Recorder Links
Major baroque composers like Handel, Telemann and Quantz rounded their musical education by visiting key European music centres, particularly Italy. The modern equivalent is recorder students from the US, UK, Australia, who further their studies at famous European conservatoriums.
However most of us are denied the luxury of travel to exotic locations for music. Instead we extend our knowledge from online sources. The sites below are good starting points.
The Recorder Home Page: A grand name for a grand site. In the mid 1990s Australian based Nicholas Lander's site was the best online recorder information source. It remains so.
American Recorder Society: Formed 75 years ago, the American Recorder Society is the focal point for US based recorder activities. Directories on the site list teachers, recorder associations, performers, groups and more.
Society of Recorder Players: The centre of UK based recorder activities. Similar to its American counterpart, the site lists recorder societies, recorder workshops, teaching resources and more.
European Recorder Teachers Association - UK: The UK branch of the European Recorder Teachers association. The site includes a comprehensive recorder teacher directory.
European Recorder Teachers Association: Main site for the European Recorder Teachers association, with links to branches for individual countries.
National Recorder Youth Orchestras: Based in the UK, the National Recorder Youth Orchestras is a high quality program, with Easter and Summer courses. Entry is by audition.
Flute a Bec: site by well known French recorder maker Philippe Bolton. In French and English, the site has a wide range of recorder information and resources
Blockflöte Lernen – Lernen Sie mit online Lektionen Blockflöte zu spielen A German version of
Recorders for Sale An online recorder marketplace, created by Spanish player Vincente Parrilla.
Recorder Technique: an ebook by Helen Hooker, well known English recorder teacher, player and Chairperson of the Recorder Summer School
Recorder Consort Playalong: A superb site by James Howard. An online tool allows users to choose consort parts to play along with, ranging from intermediate (the well known Susato Dance), to advanced (Bach Brandenberg). An instant way to join an excellent recorder consort. There are free samples, a monthly subscription provides access to the entire site.