Recorder Societies
Many cities have recorder societies, particularly in the US and the UK. There is generally a monthly get together, often lead by skilled tutors. Weekend workshops and performances days are featured, sometimes a music library is available.
These societies welcome beginning players, recommend local recorder teachers and structure activities to put players of like ability together. In the early 1980s I was in the Washington Recorder Society, where players were grouped into three levels at weekly meetings. A smaller group of semi professional players met once a week, with beginning players (like myself) invited to listen.
If you are a beginning player, or have just moved to a new city, your local recorder society is a good source of like minded friends. The American Recorder Society" and the Society of Recorder Players list recorder societies in the US and the UK respectively. The Recorder Home Page by Nicholas Lander (recommended for all things recorder) has recorder society contacts for a range of countries.
Also look below. Your local recorder society may be listed.
Recorder Societies in the United States
Ann Arbor Recorder Society
Atlanta Recorder Society
Austin Recorder Society
Baltimore Recorders
Bella Vista AR
Boston Recorder Society
Boston - MetroWest
Buffalo Recorder Society
Chicago Recorder Society
Connecticut Recorder Society
Dallas Recorder Society
Denver Recorder Society
Eastern Connecticut
Fort Collins Recorder Society
Hudson Mohawk Recorder Society
Knoxville Recorder Society
Little Rock AR
Miami Recorder Society
Milwaukee Recorder Society
Minneapolis-St. Paul
Moss Bay Recorder Society WA
New Brunswick NJ
North Carolina
North Jersey Recorder Society
North Virginia Recorder Society
East Bay - Oakland CA
Orange County Recorder Society
Oregon Coast Recorder Society
Orlando Consort: Orlando FL
Palm Beach Recorder Society
Phoenix Desert Pipes
Pittsburg Recorder Society
Portland Recorder Society
Princeton Recorder Society
Rio Grande Recorder Society
Sacramento Recorder Society
San Diego Recorder Society
San Francisco Recorder Society
Sarasota Recorder Society
Seattle Recorder Society
South Bay Recorder Society
Southern California
Southern Wisconsin
Tucson Recorder Society
Washington Recorder Society
West Suburban Illinois
Westchester Recorder Guild