8 Tenor Low F Sharp
The previous lesson introduced the right hand. We use both hands again for this lesson, with the new note "F sharp", written as F#. We'll play the note first, then explain what "sharp" means.
It sounds like this:
The fingering is LTh, L1, L2, L3 (same as Low G), then R2, R3. Note that R1 is not used, the hole remains uncovered. Also, finger R3 is covers two small holes, make sure it goes over both. Once the F# is working, play an E, then an F#, then a G. Can you hear that the F# has a weaker sound than the other two notes?
The F# brings new musical notation. Look at the stave below. The first bar has an F, the second bar an F#. Notice they both occupy the same position on the stave, however the F# has a "#" sign before it. This sign is called an "accidental" and indicates (in this case) that F# is played instead of F.
It is important not to blow the F# too hard, otherwise it will be "sharp", that is, at a higher pitch than it should be. The F# is easy to "overblow", so keep a gentle but steady breath.
Now try the following exercise:
[one_sixth_last] [/one_sixth_last]
[one_fifth] Backing only[/one_fifth]
Your left hand fingers remain still for this exercise, only the right hand ones are moving. The key challenge is to have the right hand fingers exactly above the holes. Your fingers should be about half an inch (12mm) above each hole, if higher they may not land correctly. When you have this exercise right, then try the next one.
[one_sixth_last] [/one_sixth_last]
[one_fifth] Backing only[/one_fifth]
More difficult, in particular the move from E to F#, where R1 goes up while R3 comes down. Imagine that R3 is a lever which pushes R1 up. Notice that these two fingers rock back and forth while R2 remains still.
The tunes so far have all had four beats per bar, each beat being a single quarter note (crotchet). This rhythm is indicated by a "time signature", written in the first bar next to the treble clef sign. Look at the music stave below, from an earlier lesson. Notice the pair of "4s" in the first bar. The lower "4" indicates that each beat is a quarter note (crotchet), the upper "4" indicates 4 beats per bar.
[one_sixth_last] [/one_sixth_last]
Now we introduce a new and very important time signature. Look at the stave below. Once again the first bar has two numbers. The "4" at the bottom indicates one quarter note (crotchet) per beat, as before. However, the "3" indicates three beats per bar.
[one_sixth_last] [/one_sixth_last]
Listen to the two players, firstly the 4/4 one, then the 3/4 one. Can you hear the difference? Many beautiful slow tunes, such as waltzes are in 3/4 time.
Now go to the library, take your new F# note. Both tunes are in 3/4 time.
[one_sixth_last] [/one_sixth_last]
Winter Sun
[one_sixth] [/one_sixth] [one_sixth] [/one_sixth] [one_sixth] [/one_sixth] [one_sixth_last] [/one_sixth_last]
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